• Duplicated lines in Lead communication

    Hi all, I have a workflow where I send emails on action. Looking into the communication list, the email log seems to be duplicated. Looking into the table Communication, the row content are the same but the Comm_CommunicationId is different. Is this…
  • Allow all user to view lead when it had specific state/status

    Hi All, problem background: Salesperson B create a lead. At this point, the lead can only be seen by Salesperson B, and send to manager for approval. After review the lead, the manager then decided that this Lead is not ready to be process due to…
  • Notifications

    Can you tell me CRM if we can have an automated email notification sent to the sales rep when a lead is assigned to them?
  • How to disable Convert to Opportunity until a certain state?

    Hi all, I want to create a Lead approval workflow. It is consist of few stages: Start, approved, not approved, resubmit, and Final Rejection. I do not want to allow the Lead to be Converted to Opportunity until it comes to the final state: Approved…
  • Checking dates in Workflow Transition Rule

    Hi Probably I’m missing something, but I don’t find a simply way to do this. I’m wondering if exists a easy way to check availability of a transition workflow rule depending of a date field in the same way as we can do on the escalations rules. …
  • How to export workflow

    Hi all, I would like to export a workflow from a test CRM site and import it in a live CRM site, is there any way to export and import it instead of creating it again? Thank you.
  • Distinguishing Between Primary Workflow Rules in Create Scripts

    In Sage CRM it is possible to have multiple workflows created for an Entity. For example we may have one Opportunity workflow that is used by a one team for a particular type of sales opportunity and another workflow that is used for a different type…
  • A Universal "Go Back" button in Workflow

    The requirement to allow the user to fall back to an earlier point in the workflow is usually handled by looping. We can see from the diagram below how a workflow can allow a user to drop back and repeat or cycle through certain workflow states again…
  • Company and Person Workflow Progress with Tracking tab in CRM

    Many thanks must go to a colleague in the UK professional services team for this article. Introduction Customers often request the ability to track Company or Person changes in much the same way that CRM offers with Opportunity and Case entities.…
  • Objects Available in the Internal COM API

    The diagram below contains the objects, methods and properties that are the main ones used in the internal COM API of Sage CRM. These objects can be used in field level scripts; Create and Validate and also in TableLevel scripts and Workflow JScript conditions…
  • Populating Default Date Field Values

    This article has been updated. Create Script example Date/Time fields can can have their values set by using the DefaultType property. If DefaultType set to 6 then the field displays the Current Date/Time DefaultType = 6; If DefaultType set to 14…
  • Opportunity Adding New Panel [SafeCall Exception]

    Help! I am getting a [SafeCall Exception] error message on the screen after creating a new opportunity. This is the error that I am getting. [SafeCall Exception]: SQL Error oppo_dummy jscript error: [SafeCall Exception]: SQL Error Line: 38 Char: 0…