• Snapshot Survey: Outlook Integration

    This is the first of a series of snapshot surveys about features within Sage CRM. Sage wants to better understand how customers use each feature and how we can update the product to provide more benefits to our customers' businesses. Please answer…
  • Filing an Email from Outlook to lead Entity (Communication)

    Hi All, Here I am demonstrating a little workaround for filing an email from Outlook to Lead (communication) in CRM using CRM Outlook plugin with the following steps. First change the Lead Field type in the Administration --> Customisation --> Communication…
  • How to Sync Additional CRM Appointment/Task Details to Outlook Appointment/Task

    Here is a feature that I think you will find useful. It can help you to sync more fields from the Company/Person/Address entities of the CRM Appointment/Task to the Outlook Appointment/Task body. Below is an example of how you could acheive this. …
  • File email in CRM from Outlook

    I am getting an error when I try to File an email inot CRM from Outlook. Everything works fine if I just click on "File e-mail" and then on the "File email" button, hoever if I try to modify the "File e-mail(s) against the following taget(s)" I am getting…