• Duplicated lines in Lead communication

    Hi all, I have a workflow where I send emails on action. Looking into the communication list, the email log seems to be duplicated. Looking into the table Communication, the row content are the same but the Comm_CommunicationId is different. Is this…
  • Allow all user to view lead when it had specific state/status

    Hi All, problem background: Salesperson B create a lead. At this point, the lead can only be seen by Salesperson B, and send to manager for approval. After review the lead, the manager then decided that this Lead is not ready to be process due to…
  • Notifications

    Can you tell me CRM if we can have an automated email notification sent to the sales rep when a lead is assigned to them?
  • How to disable Convert to Opportunity until a certain state?

    Hi all, I want to create a Lead approval workflow. It is consist of few stages: Start, approved, not approved, resubmit, and Final Rejection. I do not want to allow the Lead to be Converted to Opportunity until it comes to the final state: Approved…
  • Checking dates in Workflow Transition Rule

    Hi Probably I’m missing something, but I don’t find a simply way to do this. I’m wondering if exists a easy way to check availability of a transition workflow rule depending of a date field in the same way as we can do on the escalations rules. …
  • How to export workflow

    Hi all, I would like to export a workflow from a test CRM site and import it in a live CRM site, is there any way to export and import it instead of creating it again? Thank you.
  • Run Stored procedure workflow action and WorkflowActions execution order

    Hi all, I have a Case. I have a Service and a case record has a link to a Service record through the field case_servicesid name Linked Service. Quite simple to understand but a little bit tricky to implement when dealing with inter-entity workflows…
  • Managing Entity Progress easily with .NET SDK ???

    Hi all, I have three different workflow for three different entities : Opportunity, Contracts & Services (where Services depends on Contracts) I need to implement relationships and automatisms between those elements as they are part of the same Global…
  • Is it possible to have two different case screens depending on the workflow chosen ?

    Hi all, I would like to know if it is possible already (easily), or if it should be raised as a new feature request for the product : Let's suppose I have two different Case worfklow, one for Installation, Onboarding and Helpdesk Management, and another…
  • Oppo_Description not populated in OpportunityProgress table ?

    Hi, I'm considering for one of my implementation a workflow rule named "Reopen opportunity" that will be only available when Opportunity is "Closed" AND "Won". The idea behind that is quite simple to understand if you consider each client as contract…
  • Javascript workflow rule condition : find another user than the currentUser

    Hi I have a problem with a javascript condition in a workflow rule. I want to limit the ability of closing a case to members of the case creator team only. For that purpose I need to get the user_primarychannelid related to the "case_createdby" userID…
  • Kick start a new Workflow

    Hi Guys One of our clients, using CRM 7.1.d.4 S, has a requirement that when an Opportunity is in a certain state, move the Opportunity to a new Workflow. I have created 2 Opportunity Workflows, A & B and Converted a Lead to A. I have setup a Rule…
  • Can I Identify Workflow State within Advanced Find?

    We instituted Opportunity workflows recently, and I am having trouble identifying Opportunities that are not in their proper workflow state. Ideally I could create an Advanced Find for this so that my users could go in and progress the Opportunity through…