• Show Action when condition is meet

    Hi all, I am creating a workflow. in my workflow, I want to have a condition before proceed to the next action. Based on this condition, I will show/hide the next action. for example: if Lead company is match (Lead_CompanyMatch='Y'), show action…
  • Allow all user to view lead when it had specific state/status

    Hi All, problem background: Salesperson B create a lead. At this point, the lead can only be seen by Salesperson B, and send to manager for approval. After review the lead, the manager then decided that this Lead is not ready to be process due to…
  • Notifications

    Can you tell me CRM if we can have an automated email notification sent to the sales rep when a lead is assigned to them?
  • Defaulting an email template to a specific Action within the dropdown option

    Hi. I'm hoping this is something we can do. We use an Invoice template to send invoices to customers. We would like to have the Invoice template default to a specific Action called "Invoice Sent". I can default all actions to this selection, however…
  • Checking dates in Workflow Transition Rule

    Hi Probably I’m missing something, but I don’t find a simply way to do this. I’m wondering if exists a easy way to check availability of a transition workflow rule depending of a date field in the same way as we can do on the escalations rules. …
  • vNotificationOpportunity error?

    Hi all, I'm new to CRM so was wondering what the issue is here? I don't need a trigger, it must just execute when this workflow step is clicked. Thanks in advance for the help.
  • How to export workflow

    Hi all, I would like to export a workflow from a test CRM site and import it in a live CRM site, is there any way to export and import it instead of creating it again? Thank you.
  • Workflow Action - OnChange script -- Where stored in MetaData?

    Help please! I am looking for some scripts in a system in which parts of it are being migrated to another system. I am trying to locate Create Script or OnChange Script populated on a workflow rules actions. I believe I have located the values for…