• Problem running an SQL Update query in a table script using CreateQueryObj() Exec()

    Hi all, I have a problem running a query to update a Company record from inside of the Comm_Link (secondary) entity. The query starts in Comm_Link > grabs Communication details > grabs Company details > updates a new custom field in the Customer entity…
  • Redirect from tablescript

    Hello all I have a PostInsertRecord function on the person entity. When a new person is created, my tablescript creates a new record on a secondary (custom) table. Is there any way I can do this AND redirect to my custom page (in edit mode) rather than…
  • Trying to implement Tablescript to update user field in the Opportunity table

    Greetings all, We would like to use a user-created field (date/time) as a last updated field that we would populate using a tablescript. I have the following tablescript in place on the communications tablescript screen, but so far it is not doing anything…
  • Getting the opportunity ID

    I'm trying to get the ID of an opportunity that is created when you create a quote without first creating the opportunity. CRM will create an opportunity in the background and add the word "Auto :" to the text on the opportunity. The problem is that…