• Validation with Save button

    Hi I am very new to sage crm and I have a question about saving. I've been assigned a bug at my company and the issue is the save button does nothing. I can see why it is not doing anything, the line in the asp page is container.AddButton(eWare.Button…
  • Person Lists not showing new email addresses after upgrade to v7.3 SP 1.1

    After upgrading to v7.3 SP 1.1, the person email field does not work correctly. When you add a new person, their Business email does appear on the Person Summary Screen, but does not appear on any Person List within the system. All people entered prior…
  • Support.NA.Sage.com Issues

    We are currently experiencing performance and access issues on support.na.sage.com . We are actively working toward a resolution and apologize for the inconvenience. Once the issues are resolved, your access will be restored.