• Sage EmailManager - error while setting eMail.body value

    Excepion: jscript error: [SafeCall Exception]: List index out of bounds (0) Line: 270 Char: 1 Three weeks ago we upgraded our SCRM to the latest Version 2018.R2. And since forever we are using the Sage EmailManager to send replys to our Customers, that…
  • Using jQuery/javascript in an email template

    I have a customer who created a notification on the oppo entity where a manager gets notified if a salesperson creates an oppo with a forecast > $100,000. In the notification they put the forecast amount in the body of the email however it's not formatted…
  • add link image to panel or screen

    Hi How can i do this in .net SDK i try but not work
  • How to look up data into a field by select Search Select Advanced ?

    Hello everyone ! Could everyone tell me how to look up data into a field after we select a data in Search Select Advanced field ? e.g: i have created a field name case_personmail. and i have another Search Select Advanced for person field. whenever…