• Client side API

    I've played with the client side API a few times and had some success but I must admit the documentation is a bit lacking on decent examples. For example, the crm.ready function. Do I use that in all scripts? I've been trying to hide fields, in…
  • ClientSide API doccumentation ?

    Hi, Is this part (for xample) of the documentation correct? Because in 7.3.c1 This work(old syntaxis): crm.hideButton("newemail.png"); This dont work: crm.hideButton("Button_NewEmail"); hideButton ( id ) Hides an action button with the…
  • How to check Address Type unicity

    Hi ! I'd like to implement on SageCRM 7.3 the following controls and I'm looking for ideas because it refers to a very specific point in the system Address Types : First control : Making Address Type required (Link_addressType). As it is not a field…
  • API sdata error in address

    Hello, I am using the clientside API for return address info, addr_country in this case. The problem is that it returns only some countries, and in other the sdata return error. here the code (i add the error function, because when the country is…
  • Select List Option and Trigger Input of Value

    Hello, I am hoping to have an option in a normal select field selected and the value chained in the statement, entered directly to a integer field. I am not able to trigger the update on selection until the screen is submitted - saved and then…
  • Sdata / JSON doesnt work locally only externally.

    Hello, I have a small JSON script which retrieves a list of records. This script works perfectly when CRM is accessed externally but doesnt work at all when CRM is accessed internally. By internally, i mean accessing CRM locally on a machine (PC or…
  • Client side issue

    I have created a custom entity and I can get to all of the fields except one via the client side API. the field is status. bldg_Status to be exact. crm('bldg_Status').text() or .value() or .anything yields undefined response if I use jquery $…
  • Sage CRM 7.2 - Hide Phone and replace with Mobile Number on Person top content screen

    Hi, Anyone know how to hide "Phone" (in red square) and replace with "Mobile Number" (in green square) from Person top content screen. I can manage to put mobile number on screen but how to hide "Phone"? I did some research and found that someone…
  • Is there a better way?

    I have need to display a list of values on a summary screen. The values are all stored as bit types. I'd rather not display 42 checkboxes on the screen so I'm going to check each field and append an appropriate string of text to a string var. For example…
  • Client side API

    I am writing a new Javascript using the Sage CRM Client side API, I use the crm.ready() function and test using the Chrome developer console, I get an error Uncaught ReferenceError: crm is not defined , I am using CRM 7.2C, am I missing some thing while…
  • Compound filterWhere possible?

    Is it possible to perform compound filtering statements on grid rows? I've been trying without success. I want something like... crm.grids().rows().filterWhere('field_one', "le", new Date).filterWhere("field_two", "gt", 0).highlightRow("pink"); Perhaps…