• Products

    Good day Please can you explain how to add a new Tab on Administration>Data Management>Products Thanks
  • Upgrade to 7.3 issue with CommunicationScheduleBox

    Hi all, after upgrade to CRM vi7 8.02 (French release corresponding with 7.3c.1) from v7.7 (7.5.h), I just found after several tests that the Notification fields in Communications are missing on Insert/Edit mode. fields concerned by this issue are…
  • 7.3c DOTNET DLL GetHtmlInEditMode(Sage.DataSource.FromContent) cannot display screen entered content

    Hello! I have create a custom .Net Page inherit from Web. This page will display error message when validate error. .... if (HiddenMode == "Save") { AddContent(HTML.InputHidden("HiddenMode", "")); Record Person = new Record("Person"); if (screenPersonBoxLong…
  • Outlook 2016 Plug-in for Exchange Integration

    Curious if the current plugin is compatible or will be updated for Outlook 2016 and the ETA. Thanks! Office 2016 was released on 9/22 and will automatically update for users not managed by their Administrator blocking updates in February of 2016.
  • CRM 7.3c hf1 / Sage 2014 up3 - A problem with this webpage caused Internet Explorer to close and reopen the tab

    Client gets the message in the subject line occasionally after creating a new OE order (via ActiveX screen) - post, print, close the OE screen - the page OE_MainMenu.asp starts to reload and the error message pops up. This happened with 7.2 as well…
  • Sage CRM 7.3c Outlook 2013 plugin

    I couldn't find anything in the forums. Is there currently a manual uninstall process somewhere for the plugin? I can't get the plugin uninstalled through outlook because it throws errors.