How to add company entity into lead detail screen?

Hi all,

Good day. I am new to this Sage CRM. I tried to add few company entity into the lead detail screen but I cant seem to find the other entity in the list other than lead entity field. Is it possible to add other entity(company or person) into the lead screen?

Thanks a lot.

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    Hi Will,
    It seems that you want to add company field on lead screen and mapped with company while converting lead to company.
    In order to add fields in Lead, say for Example you have a Field named “Parent” for Company which you want to make available from Lead itself.
    So what you can do is:
    Comp_Parent field is in Company and make this field bound with Lead entity you just need to create field in lead entity with name Lead_CompanyParent.
    Field name in Company entity is “Parent” where in Lead it is CompanyParent this enables CRM to map the value from Lead to Company.
    Please amke sure that both the fields should be on Summary screen of correspondence entity i.e. Lead _CompanyParent should be on Lead Summary Screen and Comp_Parent should be on Company Summary Screen.
    After creating Lead in CRM you will find buttons "Add or Find this Company" and "Add or Find this Person" through which you can either add the Company/Person to CRM or attach the existing Company/Person to this lead.
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    Hi Nitesh,

    Thanks for your reply. I have tried to add 'Potential Classification' in lead screen which is sharing the same lookup family with the 'Potential Classification' field in company summary screen. After I created a lead in CRM I clicked on '"Add or Find this Company" and link it back with the company details in company summary. However, the 'Potential Classification' in the company screen is showing 'A' as the value but inside the lead screen it showing 'blank' value. Is there any step I missed out to map the same field value as the company summary screen?

    Thank you.



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    Hi Will,
    Please check whether you have created proper mapping field names in both table i.e. “Comp_potentialclassification” in Company table and “lead_companypotentialclassification” in Lead table?
    Warm Regards,
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    Hi Nitesh,

    How to know if the field mapping is properly done?

    Thank you.

    Best regards,


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    Hi Will,

    SageCRM understands mapping fields from Lead to Company only when we create filed in such a manner; in company as "Comp_potentialclassification" and in lead as "lead_companypotentialclassification". Also, these fields should be placed on Company Summary screen and Lead Summary screen respectively.

