Extending the DefaultToDo options

2 minute read time.

One of the nice features that exists in Sage CRM is the ability for a user to set their own preferences for the opening screen the user is shown when they logon. This is the field "Log Me In To" in the preferences screen.

A user can logon to CRM and be shown one of the following screens

My Favorite Reports
Opportunity List
Welcome Screen
Lead List

This list is extensible so that we can now call ASP pages.

The fact that we can call our own ASP pages means that additional behaviour can be invoked. This could range from a redirect to an existing CRM screen or to a completely new set of actions.
Below are two examples of usage.


For example if Kylie Ward (wardk) the support manager wants to be able to log on and start immediately entering a case this can be achieved by creating an ASP page that redirects to the correct action.

To do this we must add first the translations that will extend the DefaultToDo family.

Add the following translation in: Administration -> Customization -> Translations

Caption Family: DefaultToDo
Caption Code: SolutionsList.asp
Caption Translation: SolutionsList

The SolutionsList.asp page contains the following code to create a new Solution List page for the My CRM menu.

var intRecordId = CRM.GetContextInfo("selecteduser","user_userid");
var myBlock = CRM.GetBlock("solutionlist");
var Arg = "soln_assigneduserid="+intRecordId;


The My CRM menu is the User system tab group.


a) It is a good idea to make sure that the ASP page that is being called because of the setting expressed in the "Log Me In To" field of the preferences is also added to the system tabgroup "User". (I know that there is already an option in the User menu for the Solutions List!)

Administration -> Advanced Customization -> System Menus

This makes sure that the My CRM menu is correctly highlighted.

b) When calling an ASP page as the "Log Me In To" option the top content area will typically display the User filter box that is used to change the context of the selected user that filters the data in the list.


For example if Kylie Ward (wardk) the support manager wants to be able to log on and start immediately entering a case this can be achieved by creating an ASP page that redirects to the correct action.

To do this we must add first the translations that will extend the DefaultToDo family.

Add the following translation in: Administration -> Customization -> Translations

Caption Family: DefaultToDo
Caption Code: NewCase.asp
Caption Translation: Add New Case

The NewCase.asp page contains the following code to redirect to the newcase action.

Response.Redirect(CRM.URL("newcase")+" &T=new");


a) For a discussion of actions that can be used with CRM.URL() then please see the article "Calling CRM Actions".

b) I have controlled the context information that is being used by appending the Tab group information to the URL. For a general discussion of how context maybe controlled by hyperlinks please see the article "Changing Context when jumping between pages using the COM ASP API".