• Remittance.Extra_Ref

    Sorry to repost this issue again but I am desperate to find a solution. I am using Sage 50c Accounts Essentials. When I create the email with my remittance attached in pdf format the Extra_Ref value does not appear even though the data field is on…
  • [Report Help] Invoice Summary to not take 'Credits' into consideration?

    Hi, I am running a report in the Invoices and Credits section of Sage 50 Accounts Professional. This report gives me the following information: A list of the products sold for that month itemized in alphabetical order The net amount made from…
  • Repeat Order Report

    Hello all Aim: In an attempt to contact customers to offer 'special offers' or encourage more orders, I would like to be able to look through customer's previous orders, recognise the 'repeat orders' and establish a 'special offer' or at least a reminder…
  • Agents Commission Report filtered by Stock Category

    Greetings All, This may not even be possible, but I will do my best to articulate what I'm trying to achieve and hopefully someone is able to help. I'm using a report from the Customers tab > Agents Commission (@10%). I have modified this slightly…
  • PNL

    I want a "Profit and Loss (Monthly Breakdown)" [Filename PNL_MTH] - BUT, for the previous Financial Year. Is there one available?