Enabling MTD


When will we be able to enable MTD on Sage? I was hoping to submit 2018 Q4 via MTD as a practice run before it becomes mandatory, but it seems you have to join a 'closed pilot' in order to do this.

  • 0 in reply to Paul Morgan

    Another quick question - is there any effect by MTD on our EC Sales List submission from April 1st?

  • 0 in reply to Jayne Martins

    Hi Jayne

    I work with 3 VAT registered charities that will fall within MTD. One received a letter from HMRC and signed up, another received a letter saying they don't need to sign up until October and another didn't get a letter at all, tried to sign up and was declined as it's "too early".

    Like you, I wanted to submit a 2018 return and have finally managed it, but it took much longer than expected, so don't attempt it if your filing deadline is next week..(Answering your other question above, if you haven't signed up, your VAT submission in v.25 will be just the same as v.24)

    When you're ready, here's the link to sign up: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/use-software-to-submit-your-vat-returns#sign-up-for-the-pilot

    It is possible to start the process just to see if you are eligible and then abandon before actually committing to sign up.

    Once you have completed the online sign-up, you get an emailed confirmation of application from HMRC but you have to wait a few days for a letter in the post confirming acceptance.

    Once accepted you MUST submit through MTD, so at that stage you'd need to change the settings on Sage, but otherwise the Sage end works just like it did before.

    When you go to submit the return, though, it clearly takes you to a different portal and you have to sign in with your Government Gateway ID to give permission for Sage to access your VAT account. At that point it all went horribly wrong for me and I had to get an IT engineer to change the settings on my PC before I could get through.

    As I said - it will take longer than you expect so give yourself at least a week.  Good luck!

  • 0 in reply to Anita Harper

    Oh my goodness - how stressful for you Anita.

    As we haven't been invited to the pilot, I'm going to do as Paul suggested and tick the Sage setting after April 1st, then submit our return via S50c v25.