• Get all active Sales Taxes

    Hi, I am trying to get all active Tax Codes and iit's taxes using .NET SDK. From tTaxAuth table, I can get all Taxes ,from tTaxCode I am able to get all taxcodes and from tTxCdDtl table I am able to get Tax rate for each Taxcode's tax. I have removed…
  • Where stored the data returned by the function wSDBFetchRecord ?

    I'm trying to extract data from tables in the database Sage 50 CA 2016, with a Visual Basic application that uses the SDK Sage 50 CA (Simply.ConnectionManagerService.dll). I'm using the function "wSDBSelectRecords" to extract the data And then I 'm…
  • How to capture the data returned wSDBSelectRecords in sage 50 2016 CA SDK with Visual Basic .NET?

    I´m using ConnectionManagerService.dll and I am using the function wSDBSelectRecords with this syntax: Call wSDBSelectRecords(iDBLink, iTBLink, "", 0, True) But I do not know how to capture the data you are going to select in a DataTable. I´m Working…
  • Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations.

    Hi All, I am getting the message Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations. when I am calling OpenSalesJournal in the 2015.3 SDK. The call stack is: System.MethodAccessException: [F:\Development…