• Comptes à recevoir

    Bonjour, Est-ce possible d'inscrire un encaissement supérieur au montant de la facture et obtenir ainsi un solde créditeur dans un compte client? si oui, comment procéder?
  • Settle a payable with a receivable

    How do we close a receivable using a payable? They are for the same person and the same amount. Thank you so much.
  • estimates sales contract invoice

    Is anyone else having problems getting their sales estimates to flow to a sales contract to an invoice? I can go from an estimate to an invoice, no problem .... however to go from an estimate to a sales contract to an invoice it will not post. I can email…
  • Has anybody had random invoice details copied into an invoice on post

    We have a customer that has had invoice lines copied over from unrelated invoices when posting a new invoice using the SDK. I've confirmed that the data was copied from an invoice already in Sage as the data that was added included unique serial numbers…