• Chart of Accounts Numbering

    Is there some way to have operating revenues from Acct 4000-4999, Op Expenses 5000-5999, then a section for Capital Revenues 6000-6999 and Capital Expenses 7000-7999. Basically I would like to have a revenue and expense section which would then provide…
  • Remote Data Access

    Can my current users still access my company file locally, if they do not have email addresses, once I share the company?
  • What is the best way to use Sage50 pro 2021 can.ed to manage charity donations and receipts?

    I just got the mandate as volunteer Treasurer, Should it be posted as invoices and payment or otherwise ? I've seen a Youtube video with Sage 50 setup specifically for donations and funds management. I can't see such options into the version I have…
  • Switching from Quickbooks to SAGE

    Yesterday I bought Sage 50 CE >> Switching over from Quickbooks where I have one customer billing address and multiple ship to destinations. How does one set up customers like Sysco (DC orders; bill to Western h/o; ship to DC) ; Amazon,COM; Amazon.…
  • Can a SysAdmin log off other users

    Hi, Can I force a log out of other people who are still logged into sage? I have a licence for only 2 people and now I have 2 people logged into the system. But also I can't even log in as a sysadmin because two people are logged in. I am going to go…
  • sage 50 premium accounting 2021.1 font smaller than before and blur in settings.

    Sage 50 premium account 2021.1 windows factory reset and new install sage 50 premium Canadian 2021.1 the fonts in the small window are super small. changed windows resolution and size of text, both methods don't make those fonts more clear. they…
  • Multiuser issues

    I was recently added as a user on Sage 50 premium CA and we have discovered that anything I post/enter is not updating/transferring to the other users and vice versa. We have installed the new update and refreshed multiple times, but nothing seems to…
  • New Currencies

    If a currency is not an option in Simply Accounting. Is there any way to add a new currency? e.g. I want to make a new bank account in Bahamian Dollars. Thanks!
  • Company reorganized

    Business has grown and changed. Would it be simpler to start new company file or reorganize current general ledger. There are many payroll linked accounts, expense groups and departments in use.
  • Vendors - Multiple addresses and multiple currencies

    Good day, I use Sage 50 Premium 2018 (Canadian Edition) and it does 99% of what I need it to do for my small business. Things it doesn't do that could benefit me (as well as other users I'm sure) are: 1) Allow multiple addresses for the same…
  • Rounding Up or Down?

    Please consider this: Subtotal 295.00 GST (5%) 14.75 QST (9.975%) 29.42625 Total 339.1763 How does sage round the final total, we are using the SDK, the amount is off by 0.01$ sometimes does it round up to…
  • Can I set up a short year end for a new company that already has the wrong year starting date?

    I am taking over the bookkeeping for the first year end of a new company. The year end is set up correctly as Feb 28, but the start should have been March 15'17 due to amalgamation date and the accountants instructions. Bookkeeping has already been recorded…
  • Setting up a US company in Sage50 Canadian Edition

    Our company is in Canada, however we just purchased another company which is based in the US. I have set up a separate Sage50 company for this new US entity but when I enter the company information it only gives me provinces to select from, not states…