• UPDATED - SARS e@syFile: EMP501 declarations issue - August financial particulars not populated

    Update (3 October 2023) The Payroll Authors Group (PAGSA) received confirmation from the South African Revenue Authority (SARS) that the issue has been fixed/resolved and will be implemented on their systems during the course of this week. It is…
  • 2022/23 Interim EMP501 Reconciliation Submission - 'ERROR 0001' when submitting EMP501 to SARS on SARS e@syFile

    The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has issue the following notice* in regards to a specific error experienced when submitting the EMP501 on SARS e@syFile, related to the pre-populating of the EMP201 declared liabilities. Employers impacted by…
  • ETI value differences errors when importing Interim EMP501 IRP5 files into SARS e@syFile

    We are aware of the following scenario resulting in SARS e@syFile import errors: You are generating the IRP5.23 file using the IRP5/IT3a report on Release 5.8a, for the 2022/2023 Interim EMP501 Reconciliation (mid-year) Submission The SARS e@syFile…