VIP Classic - UI19

I don't know if anyone else has this problem.  I am printing UI19 forms and certificates of services for employees to claim reduced hours.  The UI19's cannot print foreigners passport nos or asylum papers, the companies I have are 90% foreigners. Now I find the certificate of service reflects the "Basic Earnings er Month" as the amount paid in that month not the basic earnings and unfortunately thats how it is soooooo, I need to amend both forms.  Soooo frustrating.

  • Hi Ginos,

    When you run the UI19 report, it certainly asks for RSA ID number. There are currently no other selections available for this field as our report is specific to what is required by the Department of Labour.

    I would like to invite you to work with our Sage Support Team here. A support log can be created to ask our Development team if they are able to assist. You can also use Help > Share your ideas (from the main menu) to make your suggestion to R&D.

    Your feedback will be appreciated.