Pastel Intelligence Reporting - FA Error

Hi - am working on Pastel Partner 50c Build 19.3.3

When I run the reports on Business Intelligence I keep getting and FA Error (Automation Error System Call Failed) it stops at the Layout portion.

I have added Common files to Locations under the Trust Centre and the BI Generator is listed as an add in with Excel 2016 and Windows 10 Pro.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • 0

    Good day Bidget,

    Please attach a screenshot of the error and advise if you are running a standard or customised report.

    Do you get the same error when running the reports in the Demo or other companies?

    Could you also check if you are getting the same error when running the same reports from other machines.


  • 0 in reply to Mapule

    Its the standard management account pack - Pastel is only on 1 machine (single user). Error across all companies.

  • 0 in reply to Bridget Price

    Good day Bridget,

    Thank you for the feedback.

    Verify if the Report Designer Add-In (Custom Task Pane Helper) and the BI Generator Add-In are enabled through the Excel > Options > Add-Ins menu. Refer to the screenshot below:

    If the error persists, check the following:

    Check that the VSTO 3.0 is installed together with the Microsoft office tools 2010 FOUND in Control Panel, Programs and features. BOTH need to be installed, regardless of which office package you have installed.

    You will find the VSTO 3.0 on this link:

    The Microsoft visual studio 2010 tools for office runtime is on the path below:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BIGenerator\Installers

    Please note you will install the version x64 or x86 depending on your machine.

    Should the error persist, run any pending Office updates and try again. Otherwise, have Excel repaired or reinstalled on the affected machine/s.

    I hope that the above helps in resolving your query. Please verify or reply and let us know if the solution provided helped in resolving your query.
