
Inserting data tokens into email templates

Posted By FormerMember

I want clients to see this in the email they receive when sent an invoice:

Past Due Balance:

Total Balance Due: (which includes past due and New charges)

Client Funds Balance: (retainer)

I am accomplishing this by inserting data tokens into the email template...but I am not sure which data token to choose.  Maybe I need to create custom data tokens?

I only see "Previous Balance" and no "past due balance".

"Previous Balance" is the amount of new charges from the previous month, whether the client paid them or not. So, its not actually "past due balance".  Got a few calls from angry clients thinking we didnt properly credit their account for a payment.

And "Total balance due" - I'm not sure which data token to choose. There is "new balance", "actual fees + costs", "total fees + costs".

"New balance" doesn't carry forward any past due amount.

I don't know how to preview these data tokens without running a fake bill for a fake client.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!