Is there already a PDF step by step instructions for requesting and approving vacation through ESS?


Looking for a document already prepared to send out to the field/labor personnel that are not computer savvy  -  hopefully maybe even a mobile version.

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    The best place for the "How To" is in the Sage ESS training guide. This guide is available to students that took the Sage ESS training and is not available to purchase separately.

    Below is an example of Time Off for Sage ESS 2016.
    For an employee to request time off:
    1. Log into Sage ESS
    2. On Employee tab select Time Off, Click Plus symbol, fill in fields and click Save.

    The steps for approving time off will depend on how you have time off approval set.
    1. In Sage Employee Self Service, log on as the Master User.
    2. From the System Administrator menu, select System Settings > Time Off Setup, select
    employer. Time off Setup would need to be filled in. The next steps will depend if Update Taken Time off is set to Manually or Sage ESS.

    In System Settings, Employer Setup, Employee - Time off if set to 'Approve" can be approved by Manager, Secondary Supervisor or roles defined in Sage ESS. These will be the approvers.

    The 'Approver' will log into Sage ESS 2016 and go to their message center (envelope icon at the top right hand corner of the screen) and in Time Off Requests can change the status from Pending To Approved or Rejected for any time off requests and click Apply.