Payroll Check voided in the wrong month.

We have a march paycheck that was voided in March to be corrected and reissued in march.  Unfortunately, it was mistakenly voided in April and now my taxes are off by the void being in 2nd Qtr.  Is there a was to fix this?

  • The only way you can void something in a different period is when you reverse it and post to the wrong period. Normally, when you void payroll, you get a message that you can either directly void or if you post in summary, you have to reverse the record and then post it. You don't say which you did so we will need more information to resolve your issue.

  • The only way you can void something in a different period is when you reverse it and post to the wrong period. Normally, when you void payroll, you get a message that you can either directly void or if you post in summary, you have to reverse the record and then post it. You don't say which you did so we will need more information to resolve your issue.

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