• Purchase orders and character limits

    Currently i am working on a program meant to create purchase orders using excel files to import some data into said order. So far the only problem i seem to keep having is that certain things, such as the Term and Address fields have a "Character limit…
  • SDK Getting Started

    I am a senior developer who is VERY new to Sage. I haven't ever used it or even seen it. A client wants me to use the SDK to get some very basic invoice and payment information out of Sage 50, but even the "Getting Started" info around here seems a little…
  • how can I find /get Received Qty of Purchase Order using COM SDK

    Hi Using COM SDK , Is there a way to get/find received , remaining , ordered quantity of Purchase Order Thanks
  • setting the ReferenceNumber when creating (importing) a new SalesOrder into Sage50

    Hi, What is the recommended way to set the ReferenceNumber when creating a new SalesOrder. Currently I'm doing this: var invoiceList = sageCompany.Factories.SalesOrderFactory.List(); invoiceList.Load(); var top1 = invoiceList.OrderByDescending(x …