Payroll - unclaimed payroll check

I need to void/cancel 2 payroll checks that former employees have not cashed from 2015 & 2021.  The bank account has been closed and these 2 checks are still showing on the bank reconciliation.  The moneies will be turned over to the unclaimed property division of the state.  How do I void the checks without this effectiveing the former employee's W-2's? I need to get these off the books so I can mail a check the the state unclaimed property division this month.

Thank you,

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    Pretty much the only thing you can do is what we had to years ago. Don't touch payroll, do this in the General Ledger.

    Make a GL account for stale/write offs. It doesn't really matter if it's a payable or an expense account if you're going to pay out the money, but for ones that may not be reissued, an expense account may be easier to have them all in one place. Make a GL entry to move the money from your outstanding cash account to the new stale/write offs account. On your reconciliation, mark both the check and the GL entry you made to get the check(s) off your reconciliation.