Pension Deductions

For some reason I can't get anyone from Sage to help me set up my deductions for a pension. I am hoping someone can help because none of the company benefits in retirement show a pension type calculation. This is what I need to do...

I need to deduct 9% on gross pay but can only include pensionable earnings which are (Regular, Vacation, Sick, Personal, Holiday, etc.) I can't find any way to assign certain pay types as the total for the deduction. Gross obviously includes Overtime pay which I do not want to use when calculating this 9%. The only way to adjust gross pay is by benefits/deductions/taxes not by pay types.

Also, I need to deduct 2% on any gross pay (which only includes Regular, Vacation, Sick, etc. - no overtime) that is over a $576.92 in any pay week. I can't seem to find any help with deductions that will only be taken out over this amount.


Employee gets paid $25 per hour

They work 35 hours Regular Time ($875.00), 5 hours Vacation Time ($125.00), 5 hour Overtime ($187.50) = $1,187.50 Gross but I would only want to calculate the 9% Deduction on the $1,000 total for Regular and Vacation.

Also, the 2% deduction would be on anything (not including Overtime) over the $576.92 ($1,000-$576.92=$423.08). So the 2% deduction would be on based on the $423.08.

It seems that there should be any easy way to deal with this but I can't find anyone at Sage to help.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.