Trial Balance - Active Accounts Only

How can I change my settings in the GL Module to only show Active accounts on my Trial Balance? Currently it is showing deleted and inactive accounts along with the active?  Thank you

  • Assuming the inactive and deleted accounts do not have balances just uncheck the box for Print Accounts With Zero Balance 

  • in reply to BigLouie

    I could do that, however, i'm trying to create a template to use throughout the year and since income statement accounts zero out each year end, they would not show up for me until they have a balance...which would mean my template would have to be managed monthly.  

  • You can do a "saved as version" of the GL Trial Balance Report for this purpose.  Then in Crystal link to the GL Account file to included or excluded inactive accounts.  However, I caution you.  GL Accounts with a balance can be flagged as inactive.  If you choose to suppress including inactive GL Accounts your trial balance may be out of balance.  Maybe, instead, just print next to the GL Account Code the letter "I" for Inactive and "D" for Deleted.