• BOI - Bypass Separate Check Popup

    I'm working on a BOI script to create Manual Check entries from a CSV. Everything can import successfully, except when the invoice was set with SeparateCheck = "Y". In regular UI, you get the popup message "The Invoice ____ is flagged for separate…
  • Copy invoice from AR_InvoiceHistory to flat file

    I have most of this script working but am hung up on the part reading from the line detail object. I have created a button on the AR Invoice History Inquiry panel so that the end user can find the invoice they want to copy, press the button, and the flat…
  • oScript.LinesAdded not working on version 2020

    Has anyone been able to use oScript.LinesAdded on a script in version 2020? I happen to be on 2020 with PU 1. I'm using it to refresh the grid on the Lines tab in SO Entry after adding lines, but it's not working. I have to go to another tab and come…
  • UDT eof error

    I'm getting an error stating " Error 20 Syntax Error. Program: SY_Commonui.pvc" when I loop through a UDT using a button script. Perhaps I have a typo or other mistake here. It appears to be crashing on the eof check (highlighted in green). Any ideas…
  • BOI for Sage100 ERP - BM Production Entry - How to Get BOI Logic to Explode Bill Components

    I am using BOI to automatically create production entries in BOM in Sage100 ERP. I realize Sage100 ERP support is obsolete, but it is what our company still has and we plan to update in the next year. I have some code I threw together below for testing…
  • Quantity on sales order does not match order tab quantity

    Sage 100c Advanced SQL 2018 So I think this is happening because of me... Before last year, when we pulled orders on paper, we would take the sales order and move it to invoicing, then key punch all of the backorders on the Sales Order Invoice…
  • Trying to set pricing, "The Price Code Record is Required" (even though it's set)

    {solved} The error was in my KeySet() line. Instead of: var retval = Core.SageObject.Process(pcObject.InvokeMethod("nSetKey", ""), pcObject).ReturnCode; It should have been: var retval = Core.SageObject.Process(pcObject.InvokeMethod("nSetKey"…
  • Exception on nWrite in CI_Item in C#

    Experts, I have a small app that writes to CI_Item. It has been working with no issues in Sage 100 v2017 Premium for my client in a Sage Server / Terminal Server setting. Now they are on v2020 Premium in the same setup (new servers), but we are running…
  • Launch Sales Order Entry to create new order from Customer Maintenance and pass Customer Number

    Hi Sage City and Happy Friday! I have been working on a button script to launch Sales Order Entry from AR Customer Maintenance. The goal is to click on the button and open SO Entry, automatically select the next Order Number and pass the Customer Number…
  • BOI Print PickingSheet resets form code to STANDARD

    Hi everyone, would you please have a look at this and see why this is running erratically? I've seen some sample scripts here and there, and the bulk of my script is from the other posts on this forum. I must be misunderstanding what objects and what…
  • Get ExtendedItemDescription for a Sales Order line (Sales Order has not been saved yet)

    Experts, I am looking for a way to retrieve the ExtendedItemDescription for a line item on a Sales Order before the SO is actually saved. The Extended Description gets put together by JobOps, and I need to grab it to extract some data from there. …
  • Forcing Cancellation Code when deleting Sales Orders into history through BOI

    Good morning all, So I figured this would have been a relatively easy script but I can't seem to find a way of accomplishing what I need. I have a customer that would like to force a cancellation reason whenever you delete a Sales Order into history…
  • Is it possible to create records in AR_CustomerDocuments and AR_CustomerDocumentContacts via BOI?

    Hi forum folks and Happy Friday! I have a customer that would like to CC a specific inbox any time we send SO Invoices and orders via Paperless Office. We have been doing this by adding this CC email to the "To Additional Email Addresses" Field under…
  • Accept SO MSScript Access Error

    I've got a user defined script attached to the Sales Order Header event Table Post-Write called UpdateSlxOrder. When you open a Sales Order and click the Accept button at the bottom of the window everything works fine. If you instead click the Accept…
  • The Column is not in the IOList - Error setting UDF on SO_Detail

    I have a UDF on SO_Detail table I'm attempting to populate with a BOI script (written in C#). This field is set to datetime type, the data I'm sending is being parsed from string to datetime format in the script. I'm sending the SalesOrderNo, user credentials…
  • DCOM permissions and BOI

    Environment: IIS, .net CORE ASP.net web API, ProvideX.Script COM object (Sage 100/ MAS90 2018 v4.5), Server 2012 R2. Starting with the workaround first: so far my workaround has been to allow my IIS identity pool ID full access to the DCOM computer…
  • Having problem adding Customer Contact through BOI

    I am running the following VB scripting: do while not RS3.eof ARDiv=trim(cstr(rs3("Field1"))) strCustNo=trim(cstr(rs3("Field2"))) strContNo=trim(cstr(rs3("Field3"))) If strContNo="" Then strContNo=" " End If retVAL = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask…
  • run script without admin (COM exception failed to initialize provideX library)

    I see that there are lots of questions about this in the past, but I can't seem to find a concrete answer on how to move forward with it. I realize it has something to do with DCOM, registering the DLL, running client side verse server side.... But I…
  • sage .NET libraries for c#

    I see some older threads discussing some in-progress ideas people were working with, as well as some libraries on the nuget packages out there - but there is no documentation on them that I can see. Does anyone have a recommended usage for them? Have…
  • Set Sage field equal to UDF (user script?)

    Earlier this year I created a mobile application for pulling orders. To integrate, I made a rather barbaric implementation: when the mobile application backorders an item, update SO_SalesOrderDetail.QuantityBackordered = External.QuantityBackordered.…
  • Sales Order boi c# , doesn't register the order

    I've been using c# to insert customers, now I'm trying to insert an order, I don't get any error but it don't find the order, I reasearched needed values but maybe I'm missing something int TaskID = (int)oSS.InvokeMethod("nLookupTask", "SO_SalesOrder_ui…
  • Can I use table IM_ItemWarehouse to trigger script?

    Hello I was just wondering If I can trigger a user defined script, with table IM Item Warehouse? I'm looking to trigger a script when there are changes on an item inventory. I see a field named Available on Item Maintenance > Quantity, I'm assuming this…
  • Updating Batches via BOI

    Hello all! I'm working on a script to auto approve batches but I am running into some issues. I looked through the BOI course and there is an example in there that updates the SalesOrder so I adapted my code from that. I'm not sure if I'm setting it…
  • BOI - Printing of Purchase Orders - Unattended

    Experts, I have a script that prints Purchase Orders to PDF through BOI. The script works fine when I manually run it. If I run it unattended through Windows Task Scheduler, it doesn't print the PDFs. My logfiles show that all the return values are…
  • Create Purchase Order Invoice via BOI

    Experts, I am able to create Sales Order, Sales Order Invoices, and AP Invoices via BOI without any issues. I am missing something about the order of things for PO Receipt of Invoice. Here is an excerpt of my code (it's in Powershell, but the methods…