Tax ID number in lookup is masked even though user can see entire account on screen

In Sage 100 v2023, client has rights to see PII info and can see Tax ID number in Vendor Maintenance.    

However, it shows as masked in an ALE Lookup AND they can no longer search by that field. Their procedure when adding a new vendor is to search first by the tax ID to make sure they're not duplicating a vendor who is already setup, maybe under a slightly different name.  You can't use Ends With or Contains and of course not Begins with.  A search off that field yields nothing.


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    Can I assume the TaxpayerIDSocialSecurityNo field has been added to the vendor lookup by customizing the lookup?  I don't believe this is part of the factory lookups.   As you know this field is encrypted now and likely doesn't have logic to be "searched" through ALE, but we will have to look into this.  Could you please report this through support, and we can look into what we can do as far creating the ability to search encrypted columns that may get added to a lookup.



  • 0 in reply to jepritch

    Ohhhh DUH, that wouldn't be that quick of a fix, would it.  I didn't even think about the mechanics of what would need to be done.  I'll do a support issue on it.  Thanks, Elliott!

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