customer Site stuck in Pending Acceptance


How do we restart this acceptance process? Our primary customer contact did not receive the acceptance email and we are stuck.



  • 0

    I found the resend email button:

    We'll see if it gets through to Jim this time. I would recommend adding that "re-send acceptance email" button to the site details screen as that's where I've been poking around trying to find that option. I also didn't see mention of that resend button in the guide, so it might make sense to add it there as well.

  • 0

    I found the resend email button:

    We'll see if it gets through to Jim this time. I would recommend adding that "re-send acceptance email" button to the site details screen as that's where I've been poking around trying to find that option. I also didn't see mention of that resend button in the guide, so it might make sense to add it there as well.
