File SO_OpenOrderWrk - Field QuantityOnHand


Where does the QuantityOnHand value come from in the SO_OpenOrderWrk file? The field value is always zero when I try to use it in an Open Order Report. I would like to pull the QuantityOnHand from the IM_ItemWarehouse file based upon the WarehouseCode.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Yeah, I have a number of tricks for sub-reports to prevent extra white space and ensure proper function.

    For sub-reports, I always initialize the shared variables before each iteration.


    shared numbervar QtyOnHand := 0;


    For fields that can be NULL (from an outer join... or UDF) I usually set up a formula field like:

    if isnull(UDF_stringfield) then "" else (UDF_stringfield)

    if isnull(UDF_numberfield) then 0 else (UDF_numberfield)