How to setup Tax Districts where the Material % is different than the Labor %


The contractor needs to charge the client sales tax but there is a percent for materials and a different percent for labor.  I can create two different Tax Districts, but you can only choose one Tax District for an AR invoice and in addition to that, there is no way to say that a line in 3-2 is materials or labor.  Does anyone know how this is done?

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    I have pondered this one for years and suddenly the light bulb just went on. I'm sure someone else has come up with this idea before, I've just never seen it..

    Go to sales tax class maintenance. By default there is NT for non-taxable, TF for Taxable Freight, TX for taxable. Create a code TL for taxable labor.

    Then go to sales tax code maintenance. You will see the three default tax classes listed with their own individual rates Ad TL and put in the appropriate rate.

    Then on your sales codes , inventory items, put in the appropriate tax class.

    Test carefully as I have never implemented this before, but it should work. It's really no different than TF and TX.