SO Batch Invoice Multiple Orders

We can batch invoice certain SO's, however the problem is changing the tax schedule, I had found a work around with two scripts.  Since we upgraded we are having trouble with the second order we batch invoice not getting "closed" out.  The SO field on the SO invoice data entry screen is displaying the correct values when we close the screen.  Could something be different since we are in Premium now compared to Advanced?

First script is to be able to change tax

'initialize variables column post-val on shiptocode

retVal = 0
sShipTo = ""

retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("ShipToCode", sShipTo)

if sShipTo = "" then

	retVal = oBusObj.SetValueNoValidate("MultipleSalesOrdersApplied$", "N")
end if

Second script is to get the field "MultipleSalesOrdersApplied" back to "MULTI"

'change read only field back to default value for multiple SO invoice

retVal = 0
Multi = ""

retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("UDF_MULTIPLE_SO$", Multi)

if Multi = "Y" then

	retVal = oBusObj.SetValueNoValidate("MultipleSalesOrdersApplied$", "Y")
end if