QTY Pulled Calculation


I am giving my best attempt at scripting a calculation of what we have on hand compared to the original ordered quantity and populating a UDF.  I know I have some holes as to the logic of the process and my end goal but I think I can figure those out if I can get this script to populate the UDF.  I piggy backed off of this script, using-im_itemwarehouse_bus-or-_svc, because it is almost the same of what I am trying to do except different table.  My knowledge of "looping" is limited and I receive an error stating below to start off.  Any help in direction?

'on pretotals of the SO_HEADER table
'calculates the quantity on hand - quantity on sales order to populate qty pulled

rVal = 0
sItem = ""
sItemType = ""
oItem = 0
sWHS = ""

Set oSOLines = oBusObj.AsObject(oBusObj.Lines)

lineupdated = 0

do until (oSOLines.Eof and lineupdated = 1)

rVal = oSOLines.GetValue("ItemType$", sItemType)
set oItemWhse = oSession.As.Object(oSession.GetObject("IM_ItemWarehouse_svc"))

if trim(sItemType) = "1" then 'START- only run for inventory items

rVal = oSOLines.GetValue("ItemCode$", sItem)
rVal = oSOLines.GetValue("WareouseCode$", sWHS)
rVal = oSOLines.GetValue("QuantityOrdered$", QORD)

'rVal = oItemWhse.SetKeyValue("ItemCode$", sItem)
'rVal = oItemWhse.SetKeyValue("WarehouseCode$", sWHS)

rVal = oItemWhse.Find()

	if rVal = 1 then

	QOH = 0
	QOS = 0

	rVal = oItemWhse.GetValue("QuantityOnHand", QOH)
	rVal = oItemWhse.GetValue("QuantityOnSalesOrder", QOS)

	end if


		if QORD > QAVAIL then


		rVal = oSOLines.SetValue("UDF_QTY_PULLED", QPULLED)

		rVal =oSOLines.Write()

		lineUpated = 1			

			if QORD <= QAVAIL then


			rVal = oSOLines.SetValue("UDF_QTY_PULLED", QPULLED)
			rVal =oSOLines.Write()

			lineUpated = 1			

			end if
		end if

end if

rVal = oSOLines.MoveNext()


  • 0 in reply to BigLouie

    We were trying to get away from Lot valuations because we are moving away from the IIG matrix enhancement and majority of our products will "Average Cost".

  • 0 in reply to jland47

    Use one lot, and that will effectively be average cost, with pre-allocations being allowed using Sage standard features.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Let me know if I am over thinking this, I created some test items with the same lot for all items and distributed, in order to only process/pick orders with fully distributed lines does that not require scripting, I don't see a way to filter the pick tickets to print without a script.  I would still need to add up each line qty distributed and compare to the total unit count for the lines to set a flag correct?

  • 0 in reply to jland47

    A script to check if the lines have been fully distributed is easier than managing the quantity allocations yourself.  SO detail has a property to check... without the extra IMIW lookup, and you avoid all issues around editing orders vs new / backorders / multiple SO for the same item...

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    So in theory I could script to look at the "lotserialfullydistributed" field for value "Y" if yes then continue to the next line, it doesn't matter if the first line is not distributed and the second is because I can end if "N", correct is this looping or just a oSOLines.MoveNext() expression?  Two questions as I am thinking of scenarios, what would be the expression to say if the last line of the SO is "Y" then check off UDF to print or do I need to still create more UDF's.  If an item is a miscellaneous item (charge or item), found answer default value is "Y" so that covers those lines.

    Just did a receipt of goods entry to test, once the quantity becomes available it doesn't automatically distribute the qty to the SO lines, so how is this updated?  I would rather leave off the option to "Check for Available Quantity" if that was a solution

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    I've encountered this. I have made a similar script but, after said in done trying to retrigger a change on the order to refresh those amount isn't worth the effort. A custom report or allowing SAGE to allocate for you is the better option.

  • 0 in reply to Bareus16

    Still thinking on solutions, custom reports have been mentioned twice now, which I'm am struggling to see the way that would help us or just don't understand the method required.  I've ran some test with unposted invoices and it takes away the flexibility to change sales orders after entering them (we have customers constantly changing sizes after the order is entered).  Our Sage consultant has recommended staying away from the lot serial options because of added overhead and complications?  We do have a call with Scanforce next week to see if they have a solution that could help, Scanco presented us with a solution, but not sure if we are ready to dive into the whole barcoding process yet.

  • 0 in reply to jland47

    Custom reports don't store the pre-allocation, and would just show you what you have on hand vs what's on order... sorted however you want... and it is real time.  (No need to re-trigger scripts to do the calculations because the calculations would be done in the report).

    Lot valuation does add an extra data entry step for every transaction (allocating quantities to / from the lot), but it would solve your pre-allocation issue without custom programming.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    I wanted to get the script to work and worry about the triggering later, got the script to fire however I think my calculation is incorrect because I am populating the "UDF_QTY_PULLED" with 4 but it should be 2 because I have 0 on hand and 0 on sales orders, does the on sales order in itemwarehouse get updated after you accept a sales order or as soon as you enter the line on the SO?

  • 0 in reply to jland47

    Got correct values, final script. Sage City will not let me post any code, so I'll try later.