Error:0 in Method ADDLINE


Help. I'm getting this error at the ADDLINE.  What am I doing wrong?

Here is my code:

Dim Answer As String
Dim MyNote As String
    'Place your text here
    MyNote = "Import AP invoice into Sage?"
    'Display MessageBox
    Answer = MsgBox(MyNote, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Orders")
    If Answer = vbYes Then
    Me.Status = "Processing A/P Invoices"
'DoCmd.OpenQuery "17 Update GL_Account Key"
 ' Variables used for return values from ProvideX methods or as Parameters
    ' that will not have their value changed.  No need to initialize.

    ' Numeric return values
    Dim retVal, TaskID As Integer

'Get the path to mas90\home which is required by the Init() method
Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
oReg.GetExpandedStringValue &H80000001, "Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\MAS_SYSTEM", "Directory", PathRoot
'pathhome = PathRoot & "\Home"
pathhome = "\\vapp03\Sage\Sage 100 Premium 2018\MAS90\Home"
Set oReg = Nothing
'MsgBox "path " & pathhome
'End If  '*** Test
'End Sub
'Private Sub test_Click()
Set oScript = CreateObject("ProvideX.Script")
'oScript.Init("C:\Program Files\Sage Software\MAS 90\Version4\MAS90\Home")
oScript.Init (pathhome)

Set oSS = oScript.NewObject("SY_SESSION")

'The Logon method returns 1 if MAS90 Security is not enabled or if
'MAS90 has been configured to use Windows Security
retVal = oSS.nLogon()
'If the Logon method fails then you must use the SetUser method to be allowed access

If retVal = 0 Then
    'User = Trim(InputBox("Enter User Name"))
    User = "JAR"  '*** TEST
    'Password = Trim(InputBox("Enter Password"))
    Password = "xxyzzy" '**** TEST
    retVal = oSS.nSetUser(User, Password)
End If

'If the SetUser fails, display LastErrorMsg and quit
If retVal = 0 Then
    MsgBox (oSS.sLastErrorMsg & vbCrLf & "Quiting")
    'ERROR oSS.nCleanup()      ' Call Cleanup() before dropping the Session Object
    'ERROR oSS.DropObject()
    Set oSS = Nothing
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
   Exit Sub
End If

'Set MAS 90 Company and Module
'Company must be configured to Allow External Access
retVal = oSS.nSetCompany("TST")     '**** TEST

'If SetCompany fails, display LastErrorMsg and quit
If retVal = 0 Then
    MsgBox (oSS.sLastErrorMsg & vbCrLf & "Quiting")
    'ERROR oSS.nCleanup()      ' Call Cleanup() before dropping the Session Object
    'ERROR oSS.DropObject()
    Set oSS = Nothing
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
     Exit Sub
End If

retVal = oSS.nSetDate("A/P", "20200710")
retVal = oSS.nSetModule("A/P")
'MsgBox "Test " & pathhome & User & Password   '***** Test

' Instantiate a A/P Data Endry business object
oSEC = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("AP_Invoice_ui"))
Set o = oScript.NewObject("AP_Invoice_bus", oSS)

' Instantiate a AR_Vendor business object
oSEC = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("AR_Vendor_ui"))
Set oCust = oScript.NewObject("AP_Invoice_bus", oSS)

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
 Dim rstMain As DAO.Recordset
 Dim rstLine As DAO.Recordset
    Set dbs = CurrentDb()
 SqlStr = "SELECT * FROM AP_Invoice_Export"   'what the hell
    Set rstMain = dbs.CreateQueryDef("", SqlStr).OpenRecordset
    Set rstLine = dbs.CreateQueryDef("", SqlStr).OpenRecordset
strHdrInvoiceNo = ""
InvoiceDate = ""
InvoiceDue = ""
VendorNo = ""
AP_BatchNo = ""
'With rstMain
  Do While Not rstMain.EOF
  strHdrInvoiceNo = rstMain!APDocNumber
  AP_BatchNo = Str(rstMain!APBatchID)
  If strHdrInvoiceNo <> prevInvoice Then
  strInvoiceNo = strHdrInvoiceNo

         InvoiceDate = "20200701" 'rstMain!APDocDate  ***TEST
         'OrderExp = rstMain!OrderExpDate
         'MsgBox "OrderDate " & OrderDate & " ExpDate " & OrderExp
         VendorNo = rstMain!CAccVendorID
         InvoiceAmt = rstMain!APExportAmount

MsgBox "Header " & strInvoiceNo & " InvoiceDate " & InvoiceDate & " Vendor " & VendorNo & " Amount " & InvoiceAmt

retVal = 0
CName = ""
custExist = 0
InvoiceNo = ""
prevInvoice = ""
CustAdd1 = ""
CustCity = ""
CustCustNo = ""
APDivisionNo = "00"
LComment = ""

' If batches are enabled for A/P Invoices create and use next new batch no.
        If o.nBatchEnabled = 1 Then
            o.nSelectbatch (AP_BatchNo)
        End If

' Set the A/P Invoice Header record
r = o.nSetKey()
r = o.nSetValue("APDivisionNo$", APDivisionNo)
r = o.nSetValue("VendorNo$", VendorNo)
r = o.nSetValue("InvoiceNo$", strHdrInvoiceNo)
r = o.nSetKey()

r = o.nSetValue("InvoiceDate$", InvoiceDate)
r = o.nSetValue("InvoiceDueDate$", InvoiceDue)
r = o.nSetValue("InvoiceAmt", InvoiceAmt)  'test

prevInvoice = strHdrInvoiceNo

' Create a new line for the item and write to memory file

    Do While Not rstLine.EOF
    LinesInvoiceno = rstLine!APDocNumber
    AcctKey = rstLine!GLAcctCode
    DistAmt = rstLine!Ext
    LComment = rstLine!APDOcItemDesc
  MsgBox "Invno" & LinesInvoiceno & " GL " & AcctKey & " DistAmt " & DistAmt & " Comment " & LComment

If LinesInvoiceno = strHdrInvoiceNo Then
' Create a new A/P Invoice Detail record

r = o.oLines.nAddLine()

' Set the column values for the detail record
r = o.oLines.nSetValue("AccountKey$", AcctKey)
r = o.oLines.nSetValue("DistributionAmt", DistAmt)
'r = o.oLines.nSetValue("CommentText$", LComment)

 ' Write the detail record (Memory file)

End If

' Write header and lines to disk

r = o.nwrite()

Me.Status = "Importing Invoice Number: " & InvoiceNo

End If

'Close Line file

Set rstLine = Nothing

'Open the Line file

 Set rstLine = dbs.CreateQueryDef("", SqlStr).OpenRecordset

MsgBox "Import Complete"

Set rstMain = Nothing

Set dbs = Nothing

Else    'Import Question
End If
Me.Status = ""

  • 0

    You are not setting up the header record correctly. You need to use SetKeyValue on fields that make up the primary key.

    See below revisions. Look for lines sandwiched between lines starting and ending with five # symbols.

    Dim Answer As String
    Dim MyNote As String
    'Place your text here
    MyNote = "Import AP invoice into Sage?"
    'Display MessageBox
    Answer = MsgBox(MyNote, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Orders")
    If Answer = vbYes Then
    	Me.Status = "Processing A/P Invoices"
    	'DoCmd.OpenQuery "17 Update GL_Account Key"
    	' Variables used for return values from ProvideX methods or as Parameters
    	' that will not have their value changed.  No need to initialize.
    	' Numeric return values
    	Dim retVal, TaskID As Integer
    	'Get the path to mas90\home which is required by the Init() method
    	Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
    	oReg.GetExpandedStringValue &H80000001, "Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\MAS_SYSTEM", "Directory", PathRoot
    	'pathhome = PathRoot & "\Home"
    	pathhome = "\\vapp03\Sage\Sage 100 Premium 2018\MAS90\Home"
    	Set oReg = Nothing
    	'MsgBox "path " & pathhome
    	'End If  '*** Test
    	'End Sub
    	'Private Sub test_Click()
    	Set oScript = CreateObject("ProvideX.Script")
    	'oScript.Init("C:\Program Files\Sage Software\MAS 90\Version4\MAS90\Home")
    	oScript.Init (pathhome)
    	Set oSS = oScript.NewObject("SY_SESSION")
    	'The Logon method returns 1 if MAS90 Security is not enabled or if
    	'MAS90 has been configured to use Windows Security
    	retVal = oSS.nLogon()
    	'If the Logon method fails then you must use the SetUser method to be allowed access
    	If retVal = 0 Then
    		'User = Trim(InputBox("Enter User Name"))
    		User = "JAR"  '*** TEST
    		'Password = Trim(InputBox("Enter Password"))
    		Password = "xxyzzy" '**** TEST
    		retVal = oSS.nSetUser(User, Password)
    	End If
    	'If the SetUser fails, display LastErrorMsg and quit
    	If retVal = 0 Then
    		MsgBox (oSS.sLastErrorMsg & vbCrLf & "Quiting")
    		'ERROR oSS.nCleanup()      ' Call Cleanup() before dropping the Session Object
    		'ERROR oSS.DropObject()
    		Set oSS = Nothing
    		DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    		Exit Sub
    	End If
    	'Set MAS 90 Company and Module
    	'Company must be configured to Allow External Access
    	retVal = oSS.nSetCompany("TST")     '**** TEST
    	'If SetCompany fails, display LastErrorMsg and quit
    	If retVal = 0 Then
    		MsgBox (oSS.sLastErrorMsg & vbCrLf & "Quiting")
    		'ERROR oSS.nCleanup()      ' Call Cleanup() before dropping the Session Object
    		'ERROR oSS.DropObject()
    		Set oSS = Nothing
    		DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    		Exit Sub
    	End If
    	retVal = oSS.nSetDate("A/P", "20200710")
    	retVal = oSS.nSetModule("A/P")
    	'MsgBox "Test " & pathhome & User & Password   '***** Test
    	' Instantiate a A/P Data Endry business object
    	oSEC = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("AP_Invoice_ui"))
    	Set o = oScript.NewObject("AP_Invoice_bus", oSS)
    	' Instantiate a AR_Vendor business object
    	oSEC = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("AR_Vendor_ui"))
    	Set oCust = oScript.NewObject("AP_Invoice_bus", oSS)
    	Dim dbs As DAO.Database
    	Dim rstMain As DAO.Recordset
    	Dim rstLine As DAO.Recordset
    	Set dbs = CurrentDb()
    	SqlStr = "SELECT * FROM AP_Invoice_Export"   'what the hell
    	Set rstMain = dbs.CreateQueryDef("", SqlStr).OpenRecordset
    	Set rstLine = dbs.CreateQueryDef("", SqlStr).OpenRecordset
    	strHdrInvoiceNo = ""
    	InvoiceDate = ""
    	InvoiceDue = ""
    	VendorNo = ""
    	AP_BatchNo = ""
    	'With rstMain
    	Do While Not rstMain.EOF
    		strHdrInvoiceNo = rstMain!APDocNumber
    		AP_BatchNo = Str(rstMain!APBatchID)
    		If strHdrInvoiceNo <> prevInvoice Then
    			strInvoiceNo = strHdrInvoiceNo
    			InvoiceDate = "20200701" 'rstMain!APDocDate  ***TEST
    			'OrderExp = rstMain!OrderExpDate
    			'MsgBox "OrderDate " & OrderDate & " ExpDate " & OrderExp
    			VendorNo = rstMain!CAccVendorID
    			InvoiceAmt = rstMain!APExportAmount
    			MsgBox "Header " & strInvoiceNo & " InvoiceDate " & InvoiceDate & " Vendor " & VendorNo & " Amount " & InvoiceAmt
    			retVal = 0
    			CName = ""
    			custExist = 0
    			InvoiceNo = ""
    			prevInvoice = ""
    			CustAdd1 = ""
    			CustCity = ""
    			CustCustNo = ""
    			APDivisionNo = "00"
    			LComment = ""
    			' If batches are enabled for A/P Invoices create and use next new batch no.
    			If o.nBatchEnabled = 1 Then
    				o.nSelectbatch (AP_BatchNo)
    			End If
    			' Set the A/P Invoice Header record
    			' ##### The following are not needed. #####
    				' r = o.nSetKey() 
    				' r = o.nSetValue("APDivisionNo$", APDivisionNo)
    				' r = o.nSetValue("VendorNo$", VendorNo)
    				' r = o.nSetValue("InvoiceNo$", strHdrInvoiceNo)
    			' ##### The above are not needed. #####
    			' ##### The following are changes i made/added. #####
    				r = 0
    				r = o.nSetKeyValue("APDivisionNo$", APDivisionNo)
    				r = o.nSetKeyValue("VendorNo$", VendorNo)
    				r = o.nSetKeyValue("InvoiceNo$", strHdrInvoiceNo)
    			' ##### The above are changes i made. #####
    			r = o.nSetKey()
    			r = o.nSetValue("InvoiceDate$", InvoiceDate)
    			r = o.nSetValue("InvoiceDueDate$", InvoiceDue)
    			r = o.nSetValue("InvoiceAmt", InvoiceAmt)  'test
    			prevInvoice = strHdrInvoiceNo
    			' Create a new line for the item and write to memory file
    			Do While Not rstLine.EOF
    				LinesInvoiceno = rstLine!APDocNumber
    				AcctKey = rstLine!GLAcctCode
    				DistAmt = rstLine!Ext
    				LComment = rstLine!APDOcItemDesc
    				MsgBox "Invno" & LinesInvoiceno & " GL " & AcctKey & " DistAmt " & DistAmt & " Comment " & LComment
    				If LinesInvoiceno = strHdrInvoiceNo Then
    					' Create a new A/P Invoice Detail record
    					r = o.oLines.nAddLine()
    					' Set the column values for the detail record
    					r = o.oLines.nSetValue("AccountKey$", AcctKey)
    					r = o.oLines.nSetValue("DistributionAmt", DistAmt)
    					'r = o.oLines.nSetValue("CommentText$", LComment)
    					' Write the detail record (Memory file)
    					' ##### The following are changes i made/added. #####
    						r = o.oLines.nWrite()
    					' ##### The above are changes i made. #####
    				End If
    			' Write header and lines to disk
    			r = o.nwrite()
    			Me.Status = "Importing Invoice Number: " & InvoiceNo
    		End If
    		'Close Line file
    		Set rstLine = Nothing
    		'Open the Line file
    		Set rstLine = dbs.CreateQueryDef("", SqlStr).OpenRecordset
    	MsgBox "Import Complete"
    	Set rstMain = Nothing
    	Set dbs = Nothing
    Else    'Import Question
    End If
    Me.Status = ""

    Final thought, make sure the value in your AcctKey variable is actually the GL Account Key, not the formatted account number, if it is the latter, then you need to use the following instead to make use of the alternate index.

    					r = o.oLines.nSetValue("AccountKey$", AcctKey, "kAccount")

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    I used your code and got the same result.  I had also made sure the AcctKey is the GL Account Key.

  • 0 in reply to jryals

    Are you sure the error is on the AddLine method?

    Is it a hard error that halts execution?

    Have you checked to make sure the o.oLines property is a valid object, perhaps it is not initialized yet.

    If this is the case, you may need to instead use oSS.oNewObject([class name]) or oSS.oGetObject([class name]) instead of oScript.NewObject([class name], [session handle])

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    I believe it is.  I don't understand the last statement.   I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I had to set the pathhome because they are running Sage 100 Preimum and there was no SOTAMAS90 in the CURRENT_USER registery

  • 0 in reply to jryals

    There are 3 different ways to start a new sage 100 object, all 3 are in my last post. You are currently using the last one i listed which uses the method from the ProvideX.Script COM object, i'm suggesting you try one of the first two that i listed which are methods of the SY_Session class object to see if that makes a difference.

    Do you have any third party mods/extended solutions that have workstation dependencies?

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    I give up.  I'll go back to old VI.