• Opportunity Wave Item Conditionally Required

    I have tried like 10 variations of this, so I feel like I am missing something. I am trying to make Oppo_Waveitem required if the first 3 characters of the oppo_description doesn't equal 'OTF' but no matter what i try it doesnt work. I am doing this…
  • Self Service Validation script

    I have a self service screen with existing validation scripts and want to add a validation script that makes sure that a new entry of the custom entity cannot be saved for the same visitor's company using the same date. I am trying to run an SQL query…
  • Validate script -- stopped working??

    I have a field that is being used in a calculation. In order to get the calculation right, the numeric value entered must not contain a comma. Therefore, I want the user to enter 11000 rather than 11,000. Therefore, I put the following validate script…
  • Charracter limit un Validation Script and WkAc_EmailTo in WorkflowActions

    Hello, I can see that in the workflow, into a rule, i want to use a validation script, but it has a limit in the number of characters ,... I finded the field where the validate script is saved in the databasen and the field is WkAc_EmailTo in WorkflowActions…