Opportunity and Quote Number - CRM

Hello All,

When we create an opportunity it creates a numerical number i.e. 100,000.

We the create a Quote within this Opportunity and it creates a different number.

Is there a way that we can have the Opportunity number the same as the Quote number?

Thank you


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    It sounds very much like you have a custom field on your opportunity table that creates a reference number that is visible to users (as opposed to the opportunity id which is normally hidden).  To link order and quote references to that number then you would need to add additional custom functionality.  As @Vega has suggested, you may want to ask yourself what you are trying to achieve.

  • 0

    It sounds very much like you have a custom field on your opportunity table that creates a reference number that is visible to users (as opposed to the opportunity id which is normally hidden).  To link order and quote references to that number then you would need to add additional custom functionality.  As @Vega has suggested, you may want to ask yourself what you are trying to achieve.

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