Edit Attachment in CRM 2020 is working for anyone?

Hi All,

I know ActiveX is eliminated from CRM 2020 version.  As per  https://www.sagecity.com/sage-global-solutions/sage-crm/b/sage-crm-hints-tips-and-tricks/posts/sage-crm-2020-r1-document-drop-in-all-browsers. Edit attachment is working on IE11. But I tested and not worked. Is there anyone to whom this functionality goes well with IE11?

So that I could know where I'm going wrong. Please help.

Parents Reply
  • in reply to Sulfath Shajahan

    I think you need to establish whether the issue is with 2020 R1 - I am not working with 2020 R1 at the moment but my support colleagues will be.  If they confirm that the feature is working on 2020 R1 (and typically they would test on a new install) with IE 11 then that proves there is an issue local to your installation.   
