Can I Identify Workflow State within Advanced Find?

We instituted Opportunity workflows recently, and I am having trouble identifying Opportunities that are not in their proper workflow state. Ideally I could create an Advanced Find for this so that my users could go in and progress the Opportunity through to the correct State, but short of examining each one by one I don't know how to do this... any suggestions?

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    Try: -

    SELECT Oppo_PrimaryCompanyId,Oppo_Description,WkSt_Name

    FROM opportunity

    LEFT JOIN WorkflowInstance on oppo_opportunityId = wkin_currentRecordId AND WkIn_CurrentEntityId = 10

    LEFT JOIN Workflowstate on WkIn_CurrentStateId = wkst_stateId AND wkst_deleted IS NULL

    WHERE oppo_deleted IS NULL

  • 0

    Try: -

    SELECT Oppo_PrimaryCompanyId,Oppo_Description,WkSt_Name

    FROM opportunity

    LEFT JOIN WorkflowInstance on oppo_opportunityId = wkin_currentRecordId AND WkIn_CurrentEntityId = 10

    LEFT JOIN Workflowstate on WkIn_CurrentStateId = wkst_stateId AND wkst_deleted IS NULL

    WHERE oppo_deleted IS NULL

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