Useful variables in ASP Pages

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In some of the articles that are on this site I include ASP code that makes use of variables which do not seem to be defined. For example in the the article "Building a Simple Quick Search Page" I make use of the variable sInstallName. e.g.

Response.Redirect("/"+sInstallName+"/eware.dll/Do?SID="+Request.QueryString("SID")+" &Act=281 & &Mode=1 &CLk=T &Key0=8 &Key8="+caseRecord.case_caseid);

In fact this variable has been defined in the 'include' file. Depending on how you have build you page it will be in the accpaccrmnolang.js or eware.js file. The idfferent include files are discussed in the article "DPP and Standard include files for ASP pages".

sInstallName provides the current install name meaning you do not have to hard code the name of the install.

The same include file defines all the other useful variables that are then used for Mode checks and for caption positions etc. It is well worth you while opening up the include file and having a look at the variables and functions defined there. A discussion of the Defined() function is mentioned in the article "Bedugging SAP Doce (Debugging ASP Code)".