Standard Cost Roll-up


Morning all, 

My appreciation of X3 continues :-)

In previous ERP systems - as an Operations Director - I have been used to be able to roll the standard costs of products without putting them live - for example different scenarios.  Then when the time is right, a flag is ticked and you can make them live.

Does that facility exist in X3?  I am told not and each time we want to do it - we need to refresh out test company - which is a pain.  

Thanks in advance.


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    Hi Paul, you can use the simulated cost for exactly that purpose (CALCSTSIM) just pay attention to ensure that all cost calculation parameters are correct:

    When happy with the result, you can use the cost copy function to create your new standard cost based on the simulated cost (COPYCOUT function).


    you can run the standard cost calculation in Deferred mode only. Don't forget to print the cost results to review it and finally you can use the calculated cost update (CALCSTUPD) to create the new standard cost. But compare to the 1st option you can only approved all product-costs at once and there are no standard inquiry to view the result (aside the report printed on the fly).