Using recurring entries in your Sage bank accounts

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In Sage Accounts, recurring entries are a great way to save time. Simply set up any payments or receipts that happen regularly, such as direct debits and standing orders, then you can process them all at the same time. You can even set up a reminder so you don't forget to process them. Once they've ran their course you can then suspend the entries. Read on to find out how.

Create a new recurring entry

  1. Click Bank accounts, click Recurring items then click Add.
  2. Complete the boxes as required.
  3. Click OK.

Process recurring entries

  1. Click Bank accounts, click Recurring items then click Process.
  2. If required, you can change the Show Due Entries Up To date and amend any transaction values.
  3. Click Post.

Suspend recurring entries

  1. Click Bank accounts, then click Recurring items.
  2. Click the recurring entry you want to suspend, then click Edit.
  3. Select the Suspend Posting? check box.
  4. Click OK then click Close.

Tip: Recurring entries can be suspended or reactivated as required.

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