
Incorrect data displaying on Statements from Invoice

Incorrect data displaying on Statements from Invoice

On sending statements the information on the statement was different from the Invoice.  Invoice correct but statement was displaying incorrect data for some invoices not all (intermittent issue).  Also within customer activity on viewing the activity the information on some invoice lines was showing incorrect data on customer activity but the invoice view line was correct

I had a call with SAGE support and we managed to find the issue and requested i log here

To show issue open a new customer invoice

Type something in the Details Line then select the arrow beside the text you have written on the invoice line and the edit line box appears and displays the details and description

close the edit line details and then amend the text you have just typed and then select the arrow again and you will clearly see the description field keeps the original text and the detail screen changes - so the statement and other parts of sage must point to the description field when in fact it is the details field i am referring to when viewing records, this needs to get fixed as customers are receiving statements displaying incorrect data and on viewing customer details its the same - so if you type something then amend it the original text is not changing