Export Supplier Bank Payment Details - BACS Ref and Method?



We need to export/report the Supplier Bank payment details, specifically the BAC/SEPA Ref and the Payment Method.  Does anyone know how we can export this information?  Also, if there is a mechanism to import this information (into another company), please let me know.



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    Hi Azra,

    Thanks for using Sage City. 

    Apologies for the late reply to this. We changed over Sage City and some queries were missed by mistake.

    You may have already found an answer to your query but if not, you can export the BACS/SEPA Ref field by going to suppliers > reports > supplier details > select the supplier record csv extended > export > save it as a CSV file. However, this won't give you the 'Payment Method' drop down. There isn't a report you can run to export that unfortunately. 

    What you could do though is apply a filter by clicking the filter button and set it to read 'where payment method is equal to xxx' > click apply and that'll only show suppliers that have that criteria.

    If this has answered your question please click More > Verify Answer.

    Kind regards,

    Sage UKI