Appliquer les frais de retard à un client


Dans les paramètres "clients", "Options"

Comment est-ce que les intérêts s'applique, car ça ne semble pas être automatique.

Note: les frais apparaissent sur l'état de compte du client, mais n'appairaissent nul part ailleurs.

  • +1
    verified answer

    The notice of interest on overdue accounts is not automatic despite the fact it is printed on the invoice. Many places include it but rarely charge the interest stated. For this reason the process is manual. If you wish to charge overdue interest you will have to issue an additional invoice for the interest each time it is necessary.

  • +1
    verified answer

    The notice of interest on overdue accounts is not automatic despite the fact it is printed on the invoice. Many places include it but rarely charge the interest stated. For this reason the process is manual. If you wish to charge overdue interest you will have to issue an additional invoice for the interest each time it is necessary.

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