Name of table with payments from customers.


Hi everyone  

Can anyone tell me the name of the table containing payments from clients in Sage 50 Canadian Edition? We are doing an integration with our CRM and are missing this information  

Thank you  

  • 0

    Depending on exactly what you are looking to pull in, the DataDict.pdf in the Customers sections shows the tCusTr and tCusTrDt tables that include the information you see in the Customer Aged Reports.

    tCusTr is essentially the header info for an Invoice or Deposit.  The tCusTrDt table is for any payment transactions that affect the Invoice or Deposit.

    There is also the Miscellaneous section of the DataDict.pdf that shows the tRcptHdr table.  This table helps with the batch printing and I believe some of the lookup programming for the Receipt module in Sage 50.

  • 0 in reply to Richard S. Ridings

    Hi Richard,

    Thank you very much for your answer. It was very useful.

    Have a good day.

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