How to create a workflow that will email an invoice to a customer

  1. Open Setup, General parameters, Parameter values.
  2. Expand SUP chapter and click on Action button for the WRK 
  3. Verify that you have an email server entered for parameter 
  4. Click 
  5. Click on Action button for RPT 
  6. Verify that ASAIDEST parameter is set to 
  7. Open Setup, Workflow, Workflow rules.
  8. Select APRINT
  9. Create a new workflow by changing APRINT name to a new name.
  • Set the condition on the header to only run when using your report, for example,[F:ARP]RPTCOD="SBONFAC".
    • Note: You may also want to either deactivate APRINT or add [F:ARP]RPTCOD<>"SBONFAC" so that only one workflow is triggered. Also, double check that you did not make a typo. Typos will result in no error messages being displayed to warn you. Emails will simply not generate.
  • On the Recipients tab, select [F:SIH]BPR as the recipient and the appropriate function.
    • Note: Again, double check that you did not make a typo.
  • On the Message tab, verify that GFILPATH is set under attached documents.
  • Click Save and 
  • Open Common Data, Customers, Customers.
  • Select the customer you like to email.
  • Click on Contacts tab and select the contact you like the email to go to and set them to the same function as the workflow function( in this example, Buyer).
  • Open Sales, Invoices, Invoices.
  • Create a new invoice for the customer above.
  • Click Print to print the invoice.
  • Select SBONFAC report( this is the report we set as part of the workflow)
  • Choose output of 
    Note: You may also create destination that defaults to Message.
  • Click If everything was set up properly, you should receive a popup box showing you which email will be sent the attachment. Click OK.
    • Note: If you do not receive this popup box, you either made a typo in one of the above sections, or you did not set up your email settings correctly. See linked article 56835, titled,"HTG - How to properly setup workflow email validation links to work."
  • Your customer will receive an email with the attached invoice.