Microsoft Excels Dynamic Array Function update breaks Sage Intelligence Reporting


Sage Intelligence (Desktop and Cloud Reporting)

Microsoft Office 365 v16.0.12 Upwards 


Microsoft excel has released an Excel Update, which affects the way dynamic array functions within a formula works which in turns breaks Sage Intelligence Formulas and thus report data is not refreshing/Resolving.


Microsoft has Released a new update for Excel. They have included an implicit intersection operator i.e “@”

This will affect all Excel standard report as well as custom reports on our cloud products, and this will also affect customized reports within our desktop products, that makes use of the dynamic array function/s.

The implicit intersection operator was introduced as part of substantial upgrade to Excel's formula language to support dynamic arrays. Dynamic arrays bring significant new calculation ability and functionality to Excel. 


Sage intelligence makes use of some standard excel formulas including the choose formula; the new excel update adds an “@” symbol in front of the formula eg: =@CHOOSE, instead of =CHOOSE, thus the formulas cannot resolve, and data is not being refreshed.


 The temporary workaround is to remove the “@” symbol from the formula and refresh the data and you will see your formulas being updated.

Please note that a case was raise with Microsoft to find a resolution to this issue, updates will be posted on this KB article once received.