• Stock Valuation report by date differ from transaction report

    Before printing valuation report by date I normally do the followings => Enquires => Inventory => Valuation by Date => View and then Save Valuation as per parameters below I then run my valuation report on the same date as shows on Valuation by…
  • Importing XML (encoding utf-8) does not show imported data on sage

    I have created XML files from external system where I want to take supplier invoices. Importation went well without any error message and xml files archived successfully. But when I want to view imported data on sage I find nothing. I would like to share…
  • What is csv encoding format be used to create file to be imported?

    I have created csv files to import vendor invoices into sage 200 v7. But It keep saying different format. I would like to ask what encoding type must be used on csv.
  • STRING or BINARY DATA WOULD BE TRUNCATED on Posting Accounting Receivable Batch

    Hello am using Sage 200 evolution v I have imported Account receivable batch upon testing system validate and post it. After posting I get an error as per image below /cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/390…