Voucher Management Error


I have these errors in the Voucher Management module whenever I try to create a Customer/Supplier/General Ledger Voucher, Print a Customer/Supplier/General Ledger Voucher and also in the Voucher Management Defaults UI as attached hereunder.

I have uninstalled my antivirus on the PC and also used another PC without an Anti-Virus yet these errors persist.

Please what do I need to do to fix these errors?


Parents Reply Children
  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Alex

    It's been a while but I just first want to say (even a bit late) Happy new Year

    Have you perhaps been able yet to resolve this query?

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Bennie,

    The search for a solution is still ongoing without any success on our part so far. Have you been able to resolve this issue? This issue is really affecting our productivity and by extension our business, and we may NOT be able to renew our license at its expiration. We are thinking of moving to another solution unfortunately.

    We are unable to narrow down this issue to a particular reason. Its behavior is erratic because even on workstations with Evolution software/hardware requirements, we still have this issue. We have implemented ALL your recommendations/instructions all without success.



  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Hi Alex

    I get you.

    Please give me a day or two to formally respond to you on this query. 

    I need to investigate a bit further myself and perhaps even also chat to Evolution Development about this matter.

    Chat soon


  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Bennie,

    Thanks for your prompt response.

    It's possible that you're unaware, but I've recommended and installed Sage 200 Evolution to more than 5 companies, and this problem has been causing me significant distress since its installation. I had to provide them with our conversation to convince them of the difficulties I've been facing.

    The Voucher Management Module is heavily utilized here, but unfortunately, it's the only module that's not functioning properly. In addition, we are unable to add user-defined fields to the module, as we previously discussed. It's concerning that the license will expire around September, and we haven't received any return on our investment.

    Please what's the update on User definable fields in Payment/Receipt/GL Voucher screen/UI?

    Remain blessed!


  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Hi Alex

    I discovered the following about your VM query:

    'Fortunately' I'm observing the same error Slight smile That means testing and troubleshooting is so much easier now.

    Please confirm the following:

    1. Sage Evolution version of your client with the VM error?

    2. On your client's PC (where the error is observed), go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage Evolution\VM

    In here, how many files and folders are there?

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Bennie,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    Here it goes as requested.

    64 Items

    1 .ico, 4 .xml, 60 .dll and 1 Folder



  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Thanks, Alex

    I'll soon follow up with you again.