• Is it possible to have a restriction by group of sites on the user's profile ?

    Hello, Today we have severals sites in Sage and we need to have restrictions on it. We put some restrictions code on the user's profile with the row level permissions but there is a lenght limit and we will have to add 10 sites. I know it's possible…
  • Row Level Permissions on Query Reports

    Hello All, I am trying to setup row level permissions on Query reports so that users can see data only specific to their site. I was able to setup the row level permission on all the transaction screens, but I am not sure how to setup similar permissions…
  • Production scheduler - representation POPSENV

    Hello everyone, i am having an issue with the implementation of production scheduler and i was hoping that someone could help me. The POPSENV representation isnt return a json correctly formed with the triplet (id, name, timestap) for each site. …
  • Payment Receipt Entry Lock Down Function Before closing Period

    Is it possible to lock down this function for a period without have to disable the function on each profile. We need this to happen when we are finished with one site for a period. We do not want the users to book anymore entries.
  • Projected Stock- Ability to turn on and off sites in the Criteria

    When working in a multiple site scenario, the ability to select sites dynamically would be a huge benefit. So far as i know, we are only able to run the system wide-open, viewing the data for all sites, or you can limit the search to just one site. I…
  • Import Tracking - Container Management - Allow site change at line item level

    Import Tracking - Container Management: Add "Receiving Site" to the Lines Tab beside the QTY field in Container Management. This cell should be changeable and should update the PO. Tunneling to the PO to change full line quantities from one site to another…
  • Available Stock- Limited by Site

    I would like to see this tool have the ability to search multiple sites. Currently it forces you to enter a site, thus limiting the vision and requiring a compilation of the data outside of X3.
  • Component Requirement Calculation- Add ability to search more than one site

    The component Requirement Calculation tool has the potential to be a powerful tool for us. Unfortunately, the limitation to a single site hamstrings its usefulness. We do 99% of our receipts for Purchased goods at an offsite location with 1 day or less…
  • Invoice Site mismatch

    Hello all, I had a question about the way X3 is handling our invoice create. X3 allows us to create an invoice to a purchase order outside of the site the PO was originally created. Eg. PO was created in site A Receipt was created in Site A…